Savage Model 99 Serial Number Location

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08-10-2006, 15:11 #1

Serial Numbers At Year End:
10,000 1899
13,400 1900
19,500 1901
25,000 1902
35,000 1903
45,000 1904
53,000 1905
67,500 1906
73,500 1907
81,000 1908
95,000 1909
110,000 1910
119,000 1911
131,000 1912
146,500 1913
162,000 1914
175,500 1915
187,500 1916
193,000 1917
N/A 1918
212,500 1919
229,000 1920
237,500 1921
244,500 1922
256,000 1923
270,000 1924
280,000 1925
292,500 1926
305,000 1927
317,000 1928
324,500 1929
334,500 1930
338,500 1931
341,000 1932
344,500 1933
345,800 1934
350,800 1935
359,800 1936
N/A 1937
381,351 1938
388,640 1939
398,400 1940
416,000 1941
438,000 1946
464,000 1947
494,000 1948
528,000 1949
566,000 1950
Serial numbers and dates after this not available here.
Link to other manufacturer's Serial Numbers/Dates:


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SavageNumberSerial number

Savage Model 99 Serial Number Locations

I have a Savage Model 99 in.300 Savage (probably an EG circa 1956). It has no serial number anywhere on it and no date code. The lever boss has an eight-point asterix where the date code should be. The area where the serial number should be is absolutely smooth. Savage 99E year and Value. The only published serial # lists for the Savage 99 that I. I bought a Savage Model 99 in 300 Savage some 15 years ago off a co.

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